Introducing: Chaplaincy Teams in Schools
We are working with hugely reduced budgets in a society where resilience is at an all-time low and we need to partner with organisations such as The Bridge to enable us to move forward and to make our students the best possible versions of themselves”. - Secondary Deputy Headteacher
This year we have a chaplaincy presence in 26 primary & secondary schools! We are looking to partner with local people and churches to create teams to enrich school communities in the areas of spirituality (faith), wellbeing (hope) and advocacy (love). Chaplaincy teams come in all shapes and sizes, we are looking to recruit diverse teams of volunteers who can mentor, deliver RS lessons or collective worships, run prayer spaces, drop-in clubs, wellbeing courses or activities that engage students in social justice. We will offer training in key chaplaincy skills and offer ongoing supervision and support.
Want to find out more? We look forward to speaking with you!
[email protected]
01722 342430
Could you join us for the adventure? We are seeking friends who could support us through PRAYER, VOLUNTEERING, FUNDRAISING & GIVING.
Want to find out more? We look forward to speaking with you!
[email protected]
01722 342430
Could you join us for the adventure? We are seeking friends who could support us through PRAYER, VOLUNTEERING, FUNDRAISING & GIVING.